Vincentian Family

Animating Faith in the Parish of St. Charles Lwanga, Yaoundé, Cameroon

From Yaoundé, Sister Bernadette, of the Sisters of Charity of St. Jean Antide Thouret, shares her experience of animating the faith in the parish.

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton: A Windswept Life Bearing Seeds for the Future

When we consider Mother Seton’s legacy, we can see how her faith in God grounded her life of service, and that heaven itself is seeded with her prayers for the help of others.

Congregation of the Mission 400th Jubilee Videos

Watch two video messages: from Fr. Gregory Gay, CM, and from Mark McGreevy, OBE.

On February 12 We Celebrate the Feast of Blessed Ján Havlík

Ján Havlík was a Slovak seminarian who, despite communist persecution in Czechoslovakia, remained steadfast in his faith and endured imprisonment, torture, and forced labor in uranium mines. His martyrdom was recognized by the Church, and in 2024, he was beatified as a testament to resilience and fidelity to his religious vocation.