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Vincentian Family

Call to Holiness

We offer here the Daughters of Charity reflection of January 2019, dedicated to the call to holiness.

The Star of Our Journey in the New Year

The star of the wisemen can be a metaphor the times in our lives when we must seek in the darkness for the light of God’s Providence as did St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and St. Vincent dePaul.

Making The UN Relevant Is Theme Of New UN General Assembly President

“Making the UN relevant for all” is the overarching theme for new UN General Assembly  (GA) President, Maria Fernanda Espinosa Garces, of Ecuador.

Meeting of the Vincentian Family Culture of Vocations Task Force

The Vincentian Family Culture of Vocations Task Force met in Philadelphia, Pa. from December 13 – 15, 2018.