Systemic change

Systemic Change Manual • Five Things to Know

Five things to know about the Vincentian Family Systemic Change Manual.

Systemic Change Lessons We Can Learn From Ozanam

In his lifetime Frédéric Ozanam neither heard nor uttered the phrases “systemic change” or “systemic thinking.” Yet an incident in his life illustrates a compelling argument that he was committed to helping people move from poverty to a sustainable life, a key element in changing systems that entrap people in poverty.

The Intersection Between an Organizational Plan and a Personal Commitment

What is it like to stand at the intersection between an organizational plan and a personal commitment?


“Those on top, like politicians and church leaders, talk a lot about peace, but not about justice, because speaking of peace sounds good to others on top and to the naïve on the bottom, but to speak of justice sounds bad to those on top because it opens the eyes of...

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