Systemic change

Seeing Better and Systemic Change

In his wonderful new book Vincentian Meditations, Tom McKenna has a chapter on “seeing better.” He asks “what does standing under Vincent’s influence do to an individual?” And one response is that one can see better. That can mean many things but it might would...

Listening to the Voice of the Poor

Systemic Change strives to empower the needy, giving them voice in the necessary change of structures. Knowing their needs and their opinions, and having their contributions, are part of the programming of any initiative we put in place to improve their situation. We...

Being Actors in the Transformation of our World

We present a video where two people show us their experience and their efforts to improve the social reality and the situations of poverty that we suffer in the world: one, working in the neighborhood of Brooklyn; the other at the United Nations. We may sometimes...

Does charity choke justice? On the Limits of Charity (part 2)

David Hilfiker, a veteran of decades of direct service with the poor, raised questions 15 years ago in a 2001 article from The Other Side magazine exploring the tension between charity and justice. This is the second of a two-part reflection on his writings. Symptoms...

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