Systemic change

Analysis at a Vincentian University: One of the Pillars of Systemic Change

Systemic change must be guided by good analysis. Teaching, learning and doing that analysis is part of the mission of a Vincentian university. Dr. Jim Kling, associate professor of management at Niagara University, and Alex Keller, ’15, recently had the paper,...

Pope Francis and Vincentians • See – Judge – Act

Many may be surprised to learn the “See – Judge – Act” methodology of Pope Francis’ vision has roots in the work of Ozanam .

Participate: Knowledge from the Margins for Systemic Change

For those working to implement processes of systemic change, one of the keys is to understand how marginalized people actually experience change in their lives. Thankfully, strong research is emerging as we enter into the "post-MDG" world. Our Vincentian Family...

Vincentian leaders empower others

Vincent was adept at helping his followers realize their potential. He empowered them by sharing his knowledge and resources, inspiring them through mission, and giving them opportunities to lead organizations he helped to create.

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