Systemic change

An Ecological or Systemic Change Approach to Vincentian Family Vocations

I invite “every member of the Vincentian Family to take one very concrete step; that is, every member is to bring one new candidate to one of the branches of the Vincentian Family.” An ecological approach to vocations.

Advocacy, Going Against the Flow, as a Dimension of Holiness

Pope Francis, in his recent writing explaining everyday holiness tells us “Hungering and thirsting for righteousness: that is holiness.”

BINGO or SNGO – Replicability Means Taking Adequate Time!

Replicability is possible only with a well-planned, well-considered, well-measured and well-documented effort. When we come upon or a good idea or process and move to build oue own, care is necessary that we understand what we are implementing.

Do You Pray For Systemic Change?

When things are important to us we pray. Perhaps we should ask when was the last time we prayed for the success of systemic changes?

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