Systemic change

The Power of Stories 2.0

Yes, stories are wonderful for capturing attention. But I also learned that stories often just capture a moment in time.  Narratives are about a movement over time and speak to our worldview. To that degree, they engage and motivate us.

Lessons from Nature – Systemic Change

The gift of a closing prayer drawn from nature.

The Secret Sauce of Systemic Change

The best way to help the poor is to respect them, to stand before them as an equal, without any masks, privilege, without any authority other than love and respect. And love will help you persevere in spite of the disappointments and the failures and the lack of honesty that we have to deal with almost every day.

Changing Systems One Story at a Time

Jesus knew the power of stories. And he changed so many lives. Do you really want to change things? Tell a story!

Reacting to New Ways of Thinking

Reacting to New Ways of Thinking

I don’t think I ever really appreciated how much of a radical change in thinking observant Jews were asked to make regarding their deeply held identity and beliefs. The Acts of the Apostles reveal the struggles to understand and accept a new way of thinking and living. It did not happen all at once.

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