Systemic change

Vincentian Role Models for a Systemic Change Approach

We have been asked to devote some energy and study to knowing more about our heritage and role models. As I reflected on this it occurred to me that this might be an occasion to informally reflect on our heritage as agents of systemic change.

Someone’s Drowning! What Would You Do?

If you see someone drowning in a river, what would you do? Would you try to save the person by jumping in? Would you call 911? Many of us would be wiser to call 911 rather than jumping in ourselves. This could lead to forcing emergency personnel to cope with two...

What’s With This “New Thing” Called Systemic Change?

Let’s be clear! Systemic Change goes back to Vincent’s earliest days at Chatillon when he organized the relief efforts for the sick family. What is new is our rediscovery of our Vincentian heritage.

The Miracle of Seeing

The miracle of seeing! What a miracle seeing is! So often it is taken for granted by those who can see. Lose your sight even just temporarily and your world changes. Technology is working miracles today, technology is helping the "blind" to see. But technology can...

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