Society of St. Vincent de Paul

SSVP Australia Celebrates 170 Years of History

To commemorate 170 years of service to those most in need, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Australia organized two significant events.

Contemplation: One Society, One Rule

This post originally appeared on It is probably the case that while most members join the Society in response to a call from the Holy Spirit, they don’t yet fully understand the Society as a vocation. And although we do not take solemn vows like members of...

Finding Jesus in the Margins: A Vincentian’s Experience Through the Homeless Count

At The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Los Angeles, we often receive heartfelt testimonials from our members, known as Vincentians, who are deeply committed to serving those in need. Today, we’re honored to share a moving account from Lynn McCormick, a fellow...

Contemplation: Whose Coat Is It Anyway?

This post originally appeared on Catholic Social Doctrine teaches us the principle of the universal destination of goods, under which we recognize that all things come from God, and are meant for all of His beloved. Nowhere should the demands of this...