
Opening of the Fourth Centenary of the Foundation of the Congregation of the Mission

On April 17, the opening of the Triennium of the 4th Centenary of the Foundation of the Congregation of the Mission was held at the Leonine College of the Italian Province (Rome). "Put on the Spirit of Jesus Christ" is the motto chosen for this Jubilee period, which...

By word of mouth, the 13 Houses Campaign “travels” to new countries

The 13 Houses Campaign keeps growing: with the launch of the call for proposals on 30 August 2022, we witnessed the Vincentian desire to strengthen a ‘network of charity’ for homeless people that goes beyond geographical borders.

SSVP is celebrating 190 years of its foundation

On Sunday, April 23rd, at 3:30 pm (Paris time), a Holy Mass of Thanksgiving will be celebrated for the 190th anniversary of the foundation of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul and the 210th anniversary of the birth of Blessed Antoine-Frederic Ozanam.

The Pope Video • For a non-violent culture

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: For a non-violent culture.

The Vincentian Popular Missions in Cameroon

The Vincentian Popular Missions in Cameroon

From 10 to 16 April 2023, the Vincentian People’s Missions (MPV23) were held at Saint-Joseph Parish in NTUI, Diocese of Bafia, under the theme “Christian commitment today: come and follow me!” (Jn 20:21).

CMM Brothers: On our way to Zambia!

CMM Brothers: On our way to Zambia!

The start of the new mission of CMM Brothers in Zambia is drawing nearer. In preparation for the start of the new mission, the four pioneers will make a retreat together from the 18th to the 22nd of January in Kenya.