
A Visit with the Vincentian Mission Corps

Here’s a lovely invitation for people wishing to give a year of service in the Vincentian tradition. find out more and click all the links!

The Vincentian Family in Europe, Report 2: France

By: Joseph V. Agostino, CM During the months of April and May 2018, I crisscrossed Europe to meet with members of the Vincentian Family, and most especially with the Superiors General of the various congregations which comprise the Branches of the Vincentian Family....

Vincentian Statement Regarding Immigration Crisis

At the recent triennial Provincial Assembly in Perryville, MO, members of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians), Western Province, adopted a resolution concerning the current crisis of immigrant women and children at our nation’s borders. The resolution is...

The Pope Video • Priests and Their Pastoral Ministry

This month, the Pope asks us to pray that priests, who experience fatigue and loneliness in their pastoral work, may find help and comfort in their intimacy with the Lord and in their friendship with their brother priests. Pope Francis - July 2018 [youtube...

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