
The Heart of University Life is a Project of Discovery

In his September 25 visit to Niagara University, Superior General Tomaž Mavrič, C.M., spoke powerfully of the heart of university life as a project of discovery. Discovery of one’s calling in life begins when we have the courage to encounter ourselves and our...

UN Working Group to End Homelessness – Urban October: Cities for All

United Nations Working Group to End Homelessness Urban October: Cities for All The Vincentian Family at the United Nations is committed to advocacy work to end homelessness.  This commitment is one of the dimensions of the Vincentian Family Homeless Alliance project....

Anti-Harassment and Cyberbullying Features on Twitter

Twitter Rules prohibit the kind of abuse we mean here — threats, hate speech, cyberbullying, and harassment and more. Let’s be civil!

VFCAP and SC Seminar in Indonesia, Day 4 (and last)

September 14, Indonesia – Each country does its best to embark on systemic change projects in favor of the less privileged and so for the first part of the last day for the joint VFCAP – SC Seminar, we gave the floor to our host – Indonesia - who shared with us two of...

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