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Celebration in Honor of St. Vincent de Paul (Guatemala)

Overview of a Vincentian Family Celebration in Honor of St. Vincent de Paul held in Guatemala on September 21, 2019.

El Salvador Sisters See Hope, Work for Change in a Still-Violent Society

“This is a peace center using the arts to heal us from the war, and the violence that persists here in El Salvador and all over the world,”

Niagara University Honors Six for Outstanding Work in the Spirit of St. Vincent De Paul

Niagara University recognized the extraordinary contributions of six individuals who have lived the mission of St. Vincent de Paul at its annual convocation

A Priest of the Congregation of the Mission: on the Path to Sainthood

If all goes well, the image of Wenceslau Szuniewicz, CM (1892-1963), will soon be able to be viewed beside the image of many other saints and blessed of the Vincentian Family.

Ten insights into Pope Francis

Ten insights into Pope Francis

Rome Reports offers a powerful series of video moments it considers highlights and insights into Pape Francis' first year. The text below is even more powerful when viewed with appropriate video clips illustrating its choice in RomeReports. 1- HELP  As he introduced...

March Madness – “Papal moments” version

March Madness – “Papal moments” version

Who would have thought of creating a tournament based on choosing the most highly rated moments during Pope Francis' first year? Why the folks at Busted Halo! Just in time for Pope Francis’ one year anniversary as pope and the madness of march, we (the folks at Busted...

Mama Around the Globe

Mama Around the Globe

As we celebrate Women’s History Month it might be worth a visit to the International Museum of Women for their insights into “MAMA – Motherhood around the Globe”

Gail Rieth – 7th Anniversary

Today marks the seventh anniversary of the untimely death of an early collaborator in various FamVin projects. Sr. Gail Rieth RSM had just hit her stride in developing formation resources for FamVin when, still in her 50's, she was hit by a perfect storm of health...