
Syro-Malabar Archdiocese Opens Sainthood Cause of Vincentian Founder

The cause for beatification of Father Varkey Kattarath, founder of the Vincentian Congregation, was opened Wednesday at a ceremony in India.

Pope Francis Publishes Apostolic Exhortation: “Beloved Amazon”

Pope Francis published the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation, “Beloved Amazon” … this document is the fruit of the Synod on the Amazon.

Commission for Social Development Underway in New York; Addressing Homelessness

Over two years of advocacy at the United Nations are coming to fruition this week and next during the UN’s 58th Commission for Social Development.

Vincentians Gather in the Nation’s Capital to Celebrate Founder

A mosaic of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, was dedicated during a special Mass at the Basilica.

Writing and speaking about poverty

Writing and speaking about poverty

Two posts concerning writing and speaking about poverty caught my eye. So much depends upon where you stand. The first piece by well-known author Barbara Ehrenreich laments the fact that only the moderately well-to-do can afford to write about poverty. The second...

Vincentian universities and “Laudato Si”

Three Vincentian universities continue to move ahead on climate issues. DePaul's Sustainability Efforts Aim To Produce Eco-Friendly Entrepreneurs For DePaul University, sustainability innovation goes hand in hand with one of the school's major strengths:...