
United Nations At 75: Faith Based Organizations Envision UN Reforms

The UN’s diamond anniversary, has given people globally pause to consider needed reforms at the UN; changes which would make it more effective.

New Orleans and Seton Hill sisters’ bond stays strong after 99 years

They immediately responded to a need, and at great risk because of the violence and racism that existed in our region

Birth of the Confraternity CONVIREDES

Learn about the creation and mission of the Confraternity CONVIREDES.

Vincentian Family Conference: October 9 & 10, 2020

Join those willing to rise up to meet the challenges of our times on Friday, October 9 and Saturday, October 10 for a free online conference!

Join the Journey

Join the Journey

Through an online presentation, you will be inspired on Wednesday, Oct. 27, at 12 p.m., as you hear stories of ways the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth transform lives through their ministries.

Missionaries @NiagaraUniv are Home!

Missionaries @NiagaraUniv are Home!

The other day we told you about some missionaries from Niagara University who went to Haiti. They're home, and there's more news to tell! WIVB Buffalo tells the good news: Niagara University seniors Morgan Dahlberg and Amber Mis are used to being students, but for the...

Keep Our Elections in Prayer

Keep Our Elections in Prayer

The Sisters of Charity Federation members committed themselves to joining in prayer and fasting for wisdom and discernment as the U.S. moves toward the national elections. They call everyone to join in prayer and fasting especially on the 2nd Tuesday of every month in...