
Vincentian Confraternities: An Opportunity to Transform the World

The members of these confraternities share their experiences and their joy in being able to serve Jesus in the person of the most impoverished.

New Book: 15 Days of Prayer with Peter Joseph Triest

Brother René Stockman has published a new book on Peter Joseph Triest titled 15 Days of Prayer with Peter Joseph Triest.

Vincentian Marian Youth December 2020 Newsletter

The youth branch of the Vincentian Family, Vincentian Marian Youth, sends us its December newsletter.

Christmas Message from Renato Lima

My dear brothers and sisters, members of Saint Vincent de Paul Society and members of the worldwide Vincentian Family,

Hope in the Face of Adversity

Hope in the Face of Adversity

On Wednesday, December 15th, Nadia and Raoul arrived from Haiti. They came to the United States so that Nadia could receive cancer treatments unavailable in Haiti.

Writing for Social Media

Writing for Social Media

Lou Dubois of Inc. says, "Despite the change in technology, the press release remains one of the best ways to get your message out. But writing a press release for social media is not like writing a traditional press release. Before digging in, however, it is...

See – Judge – Act…Disrupt and Rebuild!

See – Judge – Act…Disrupt and Rebuild!

Fr. John Freund has covered the topic on .famvin many times: See – Judge – Act. It has been covered with regards to Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si, and in a three-part series in relation to Systemic Change. It is a reflection/action process that is very familiar...