
From big to small, changing lives in the Philippines through the 13 Houses Campaign!

Under the most difficult circumstances, the innovative and hardworking Vincentian spirit flourishes.

North American Vincentian Family Gathering 2021

Join us for the North American Vincentian Family Gathering in Atlanta, Georgia USA, October 22 – 24, 2021.

The unforgettable experience of a Venezuelan volunteer in Bogota

It is Faith and total trust in God and the Miraculous Virgin that has enabled the Daughters of Charity to overcome the very difficult times that the pandemic has forced them to confront.

Interview with Kilver Fuentes, participant in the January 2020 Vincentian Family Meeting

For the first time I saw how much of an impact St. Vincent de Paul had left on so many people. It is not just a devotion – it is a life style.