
A Vincentian View: The Work of God

One of the verses from a Gospel of the past week captured my thinking and prompted my reflection: “This is the work of God, that you believe in the one he sent.” 

Emmaus – Why Was Jesus Slow Revealing His Resurrection?

Suppose you just discovered you were instantly cured of painful cancer?  Did someone wipe out a longstanding debt?

Grasp What Jesus Is, What He Says and Does

Jesus who is close to the Father’s heart makes him known to us.  It is crucial that we grasp what Jesus is, what he says and does. Those to whom Jesus speaks do not grasp what he teaches by way of a figure of speech.  And they are not the disciples but the Pharisees. ...

Vincentian Prayer Images – Art By Vincentians 1

Share your thoughts on a weekly image of artwork depicting St. Vincent de Paul.

Seekers of the Food that Lasts Forever

Seekers of the Food that Lasts Forever

Jesus is the bread and drink of life.  The seekers who go to him and believe in him will have their fill; they will never hunger or thirst. The crowds know that Jesus did not go in the boat with his disciples.  That is why those who look for him go to the place where...