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Work and a Dignified Life

The COVID-19 pandemic, which has afflicted the world, has led us to a greater appreciation of men and women who engage in various professions that are socially indispensable, although the individuals who carry them out are rarely worthily remunerated.

Feast of Blessed Ceferino Giménez Malla (1861-1936)

Roman Catholic catechist. Member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Activist for Spanish Romani causes. Patron saint of Romani people. Victim of the Spanish Republican militias during the Civil War.

How I Became a Member of the Vincentian Biblical Reflection Confraternity … my experience!

As a member of the Vincentian Family, I had the opportunity to join the Vincentian Biblical Reflection Confraternity.

July 31, 1809: The Sisters of Charity at Emmitsburg Begin Living Their Rule

The Sisters, family members, and students moved into the four-room, two-story stone farmhouse and began living their Provisional Rule on 31 July 1809, which is considered the founding of the Sisters of Charity.

Holding On To Joy Amidst Criticism

Holding On To Joy Amidst Criticism

Holding On To Joy Amidst Criticism - Sr. Ellen LaCapria, DC continues her weekly visual prayer reflection. As we enter this holy time of eucharistic revelation, crucifixion and the joy of resurrection our heads are rightly spinning. In the span of three days we are...

Being well connected

Easter Sunday (A), April 20, 2014 – Acts 10, 34a. 37-43; Col 3, 1-4; Jn 20, 1-9 Think of what is above (Col 3, 2) The least of us has risen from the dead and is seated at the right hand of God.  Now we await his glorious coming and welcoming words, “Come, you who are...

Saturday Study Hall – “Wake up the World”

Saturday Study Hall – “Wake up the World”

he challenge from Pope Francis is clear.  "WAKE UP THE WORLD" “The church must be attractive. Wake up the world! Be witnesses of a different way of doing things, acting, living! (Show) it’s possible to live differently in this world.” "A charism needs to be “lived...

With blood on our hands?

With blood on our hands?

The somber realization that the crucifixion of innocent humans happens on a daily basis is sobering.  We are approaching a week that encompasses our salvation history, including the hope of the eucharistic banquet, the healing of the crucifixion (by his wounds we are...

Dying for life

Palm Sunday of Lent (A), April 13, 2014 – Mt 21, 1-11; Is 50, 4-7; Phil 2, 6-11; Mt 26, 14—27, 66 He took the form of a slave (Phil 2, 7) Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the living God.  But he is not here to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom...

Life-giving death

Fifth Sunday of Lent (A), April 6, 2014 – Ez 37, 12-14; Rom 8, 8-11; Jn 11, 1-45 The one who raised Jesus from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies (Rom 8, 11) Jesus guarantees life to believers.  His love to the end vivifies.  Loving as he does, we live...

Saturday Study Hall – Our favorite phrases

Saturday Study Hall – Our favorite phrases

Phrase we have used in the Vincentian Family... do we know where they came from and what is their context? Leave God for God Turn the medal The poor are our Lords and masters Affective and effective love The poor evangelize us The poor are our judges The following...