Frederick Ozanam - "The Book of the Sick"

John Freund, CM
February 22, 2015

Frederick Ozanam – “The Book of the Sick”

by | Feb 22, 2015 | Formation | 3 comments

Ozanam book of the sickSpotted on the Frederick e-Gazette…NEW RESOURCE: THE BOOK OF THE SICK by FREDERIC OZANAM

The English version of the recently revised “The Book of the Sick” by Frederic Ozanam may now be purchased through the National Council Office.  Anyone who has a desire to know Blessed Frederic  should have this book to better understand the spirituality that carried him through the suffering of his final years.

The original work is an assemblage of passages from scriptures that he read with his wife, Amelie.  It was at her suggestion that he collected them into a manuscript.  When it was published in 1858 she wrote a preface that began, “These readings were chosen by a sick Christian who found, in the meditation of Sacred Scripture, the strength to suffer patiently, the constancy always to submit lovingly to the will of God and the courage to give his life when asked.”

In addition to the scripture texts, the edition includes excerpts from Frederic’s letters which reveal his understanding of Christian suffering.  Many of these are from his last years and are not available in English from other sources.  Other special inclusions are several pieces by Amelie reflecting on his final days.

Amin de Tarrazi, former International President of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and promoter of Ozanam’s Cause for Canonization, has written an introduction and brief biography.   “The Book of the Sick” was prepared as a resource for people who are ill.   So, you may want to order two copies, one for your library and one to give to someone who is sick or suffering.  If it is God’s will, the grace of Frederic’s intercession for such a person may result in a miraculous cure which might influence the cause for his canonization. (by Ralph Middlecamp)

To Order:

              Online at or Email:

                                    The Book of the Sick   #4500    @  $ 18.00 


  1. Javier F. Chento

    I have a suggestion: correct the title of this post. Frederic Ozanam did not collect this Bible passages to his wife, but to himself. He was the one being sick.

    • ralph middlecamp

      I would agree with the comment – he was not reading to her for her sake. They frequently read scripture together but they were passages in which he found comfort or meaning during the last months of his illness. His wife was very proactive in the project to collect and organize these references so they could be shared.

      • ralph middlecamp

        To be clear – the title does need changing – she was not sick he was.

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