Formation in the Year of Collaboration

Aidan R. Rooney, C.M.
February 23, 2015

Formation in the Year of Collaboration

by | Feb 23, 2015 | Evangelization, Formation, Year of Vincentian Collaboration

vinform_203sqMany of you are using and contributing to our fantastic resource called VinFormation. If you click on the word “Formation” on the black navigation bar above, you’ll go right to it! Its motto is, “Learning to serve,” and that’s just what we hope we are doing and the resource is providing. Why? Because FamVin is so much more than a communication tool. In this day and age, it’s an evangelization and collaboration tool.

COllaboration Team RioThis year, the “Year of Vincentian Collaboration,” we hope to partner with you to expand the formation resources provided at, and with your help, develop new formation encounters by way of the digital tools that are available to us at VirtualVins and beyond. Collaboration thrives when we use our resources, both human and digital, to form effective partnerships in our mission to follow Jesus, the Evangelizer of the poor.

Many of you use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, WhatsApp, Youtube, Vimeo, Skype, Google Hangouts-on-Air … the list is endless! Sometimes, we use them for communication, and that’s good. Can we turn these resources into effective tools for the mission? Are they being used that way by members of the Vincentian Family now? We need to know! We need to share the wisdom and practical knowledge that we have as a Family.

If you have ideas, tweet them @famvin or post to the FamVin Facebook Page. We’ll get right on it!


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