
Remembering Venerable Felix De Andreis, C.M.

The Association of the Miraculous Medal of Perryville, Missouri published an article entitled “Remembering Venerable Felix De Andreis, C.M., First Superior of the Congregation of the Mission in the United States” in their Spring Bulletin 2024.

Future, Past, and Present: A Science Fiction Parable

We see so little of God’s creation! Yet we still think of our world as the center of creation, our culture as the model for all cultures.

Synodality in the History of the Church #famvin2024

Synodality in the Catholic Church refers to a style of living and institutional functioning that reflects a form of communion and cooperation within the ecclesial community.

The God of Creation

Images for God — metaphors and visuals that catch something more fundamental and grounded than ideas for God.

Go around Towns and Villages as God Wants

Go around Towns and Villages as God Wants

Jesus has come so he may go around towns and villages and preach by words and by works, and as the Father shows him in prayer, the Good News.  Before he makes up his mind to go around all of Galilee, Jesus goes off alone to a forlorn place to pray.  He does so before...