
St. Vincent’s View of Priesthood

Presentation based on an article by Fr. Robert Maloney, C.M. on Saint Vincent’s vision for his Congregation of the Mission.

A Vincentian Minute: Windows on Saint Vincent’s Vision (Part 10)

In this series Fr. Rooney explores Fr. Jack Melito, CM’s inquiries into the experiences that shaped Vincent de Paul’s life.

The Ecstasy of the Saints: Mother Seton and Saint Vincent of Saragossa

When faced with suffering, St. Vincent of Saragossa and Mother Seton responded by letting themselves be loved. They gave everything over to the One who loves us, who wants us unconditionally.

Postcards from Folleville

A presentation on the history of Folleville, France, and especially its church, the place where a transformative moment in the life of St. Vincent took place on January 25, 1617.

Bright and Dull in the Eyes of God

Bright and Dull in the Eyes of God

Jesus Christ will come at an hour that we do not expect.  That is why we must be ready and be among the bright, not among the dull. Four Sundays ago, we heard that among God’s guests were bad and good folks.  Today we hear that the bright and the dull make up those...