Congregation of the Mission

Pedaling for the Homeless: Giving Energy to Vincentian Social Housing In Chieri (Turin, Italy)

Pedaling on two bicycle-generators set up at a local shopping center creates electricity to serve the energy needs of the Vincentian urban housing structure “Zattera della Pace” (raft of peace) for families in emergency situations.

St. Vincent, and All Vincentians, As Formators

Most of St. Vincent’s letters, documents, and conferences were aimed at the formation of those whom he had gathered together in the service of the poor, and we are called to act in the same spirit.

A Heart On Fire 400 Years Ago Shaped Our Church Today (Part 1)

St. Vincent’s legacy has stood the test of time because he not only changed his world, but anticipated many of the most exciting currents in today’s Church. Part 1 of a new video series written and narrated by Fr. John Freund, C.M.

Congregation of the Mission: Serving With Joy in Bolivia

As we approach the anniversary (January 25) of the founding of the Congregation of the Mission, .famvin is highlighting some examples of their mission, programs, and services.

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