Congregation of the Mission

Chronicle of the 43rd General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission, June 30

We began the day with the celebration of the Eucharist (French) during which we remembered the first martyrs of the Church of Rome. Fr. Giuseppe Turati presented an overall vision of the Congregation of the Mission … data that points out a changing reality.

Interview with Fr. Mark Pranaitis CM, Executive Director of VIMS

During a break in the General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission currently taking place in Rome, we had the opportunity to speak briefly with Fr. Mark Pranaitis CM, Executive Director of Vincentian International Mission Services.

Chronicle of the 43rd General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission, June 29

A new day has dawned as we continue to live the experience of our 2022 General Assembly. We continue to work in order to gather more data about the Congregation of the Mission.

Chronicle of the 43rd General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission, June 28

Bishop Andrew Bellisario, a Vincentian missionary and the Archbishop of Anchorage-Juneau in Alaska, shared with us some reflections on the theme of this Assembly: revitalize our identity at the beginning of the fifth centenary of the Congregation of the Mission.