Vincent’s Praying-Acting Cycle

Vincent’s Praying-Acting Cycle

Vincent’s Praying-Acting Cycle Years ago I heard Fr. Robert Maloney say something about St. Vincent de Paul I never forgot. “Hardly have I ever read somebody who could come down on one side of an issue and then 50 pages later say something the exact opposite.” And...

Vincent’s Praying-Acting Cycle

To Be A Gospel Sign

To Be A Gospel Sign (John 6:30) In John’s gospel, the crowd in Capernaum asks Jesus, “What sign can you do for us?” To catch the full meaning here, it’s important to know John’s special use of the word ‘sign.’ He doesn’t mean it in the ordinary sense of one thing that...

Vincent’s Praying-Acting Cycle

Emmaus and The Eucharist

Emmaus and The Eucharist (Lk 24:13-35) Many people’s favorite story in the New Testament is the one of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. It contains so much of everyone’s experience of what it is to believe -- and certainly touches on the belief of a...

Vincent’s Praying-Acting Cycle

Framing The Scene

Framing The Scene  (John 11:1-45) I remember a wise person once telling me that there’s no such thing as an un-interpreted fact. Everything you see out there you see through some kind of frame, some angle of approach that not only affects how you see, but more...

Vincent’s Praying-Acting Cycle

Letting Truth Appear

Letting Truth Appear (John 8:31-42) It’s not often I get stunned by the cover of a magazine, but the one on Time in late March accomplished that. In dark letters set against a darker background was the question, “Is Truth Dead?” The phrase caught a feeling I only half...

Vincent’s Praying-Acting Cycle

The Defining Backdrop

The Defining Backdrop (Gen. 17:5-9; Jn. 17) In the middle of Genesis, we come across the classic phrasing of a central theme running all through both Testaments of the bible, the Covenant. After telling Abraham He will make him the father of nations, Yahweh says, “I...

Vincent’s Praying-Acting Cycle

Gospel Stretching: Wideness

Gospel Stretching (Mark 6:1-6)  There’s a wideness in God’s mercy, like the wideness of the Sea.  So begins the famous hymn written by Frederick Faber two centuries ago. Freeing and refreshing and life-giving and promising as it sounds, wideness can...