
Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), September 20, 2015 – Wis 2, 12. 17-20; Jas 3, 16 – 4, 3; Mk 9, 30-37 Those who cultivate peace (Jas 3, 18) Jesus, the just one, takes refuge in God. He will never be put to shame even if condemned to a shameful death. The...

Consumed by love

Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), September 13, 2015 – Is 50, 5-9a; Jas 2, 14-18; Mk 8, 27-35 I will demonstrate my faith to you from my works (Jas 2, 18) In Jesus, the Suffering Servant, God’s invisible and pure love becomes visible and exposes itself to the...

Enemies within

Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), September 6, 2015 – Is 35, 4-7a; Jas 2, 1-5; Mk 7, 31-37 Have you not become judges with evil designs? (Jas 2, 4) Jesus makes the deaf hear and the mute speak, so that they may, with exultation, listen to and proclaim the Good...

All the way

Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), August 23, 2015 – Jos 24, 1-2a. 15-17. 18b; Eph 5, 21-32; Jn 6, 60-69 Be subordinate to one another out of reverence for Christ (Eph 5, 21) Jesus’ flesh is true food and his blood, true drink. His words lead to eternal life....

Not settling for less

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), August 16, 2015 – Prov 9, 1-6; Eph 5, 15-20; Jn 6, 51-58 Understand what is the will of the Lord (Eph 5, 17) Jesus invites us to a shocking life, which, however, guarantees everlasting life and the resurrection. Jesus does not...

Am I my own worst enemy?

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), August 9, 2015 – 1 Kgs 19, 4-8; Eph 4, 30 – 5, 2; Jn 6, 41-51 Live in love (Eph 5, 2) Jesus lifts up and strengthens those who are crushed, and wakes up and disturbs those who are self-complacent. God encourages us who feel...

Dissatisfied Socrates

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), August 2, 2015 – Ex 16, 2-4. 12-15; Eph 4, 17. 20-24; Jn 6, 24-35 Put on the new self (Eph 4, 24) Jesus fully reveals God’s will for us. Those who are looking for Jesus do something good. The only thing they lack is a better...

Many a mickle makes a muckle

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), July 26, 2015 – 2 Kgs 4, 42-44; Eph 4, 1-6; Jn 6, 1-15 One body and one Spirit (Eph 4, 4) Jesus is our shepherd. We will lack nothing if we remain united to him. Jesus goes with his disciples to a foreign territory. A large...