Worship of God in Spirit and Truth

Worship of God in Spirit and Truth

Only through Christ can we give to the Father the pleasing worship in Spirit and truth.  And we come to the one who alone suffices only through Jesus. In Jerusalem, magi from the east ask a question.  They want  to know where the newborn king of the Jews is and to...

Worship of God in Spirit and Truth

Awesome and Alluring Blessing

Jesus is our only Savior, and he saves in an awesome and alluring way.  He will bless us when as priests through our baptism, we invoke his name upon one another. There is no other name by which salvation comes to us but the name of Jesus.  And since he is our all...

Worship of God in Spirit and Truth

Presence of the Mighty God among Us

Jesus, our Savior, is the presence of God among us.  Are we Christians the presence of Jesus in the world? The name of the Messiah, of the Lord’s Anointed, is Jesus.  His name shows that his mission is to save his people from their sins.  Hence, his presence means...

Worship of God in Spirit and Truth

Perseverance in Seeking the Kingdom

Jesus is the sublime example of the person who attains salvation through perseverance in fostering the kingdom of  God. Jesus says, “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you besides.”  But he does not only preach;...