Ready, Holding Lamps that Are Burning

Ready, Holding Lamps that Are Burning

Jesus is the bridegroom whom we await.  We will enter with him into the wedding feast, if with wisdom we stay awake and are ready, with our lamps burning. Jesus informs us that we really do not know the day or the hour of his coming.  He can come any day, even at an...

Ready, Holding Lamps that Are Burning

Petty and Narrow Self-Interests

Jesus dies for us sinners.  That is how the God of unfathomable goodness proves his love for us as petty and stingy as we are. Our petty desires for gain, power and security hinder the revelation of truth.  And not knowing the truth leads to people’s...

Ready, Holding Lamps that Are Burning

Name that Is above Every Other Name

Christ is the reason why his followers bear the name of Christians.  They are other Christs, then, anointed to announce repentance and the kingdom of God. Jesus assures those who gather in his name and pray together that they will receive what they ask.  And it will...