Guests at the Kingly Wedding Feast

Guests at the Kingly Wedding Feast

Jesus is the fullness of God’s revelation.  And so through him, we get to know fully that God wants us all to be his pleasing guests. As it turns out, those who are to be the guests at the start are not worthy.  And that is why the king thinks it fit to turn into...

Guests at the Kingly Wedding Feast

Trustworthy and Fruitful Tenants

Jesus embodies the trust to the extreme that God puts in us.  And such trust lifts us up so that we become fruitful, trustworthy and ready to give God the fruit that is due him. God must surely take us to be trustworthy.  Or he would not lease us his vineyard.  That...

Guests at the Kingly Wedding Feast

Bond with God and with Human Beings

Jesus Christ embodies the genuine bond with God and with humans.  Through him, fully revealed and done is the will of God. Jesus tells a parable to the chief priests and the elders of the people.  Even we who live today understand it easily.  That is because it is...

Guests at the Kingly Wedding Feast

Equal Treatment of Everyone in Need

Jesus is the one who reveals God.  This God is good to all and makes equal those who do little to those who do much. The God that Jesus reveals is very good.  Equal to the landowner who goes out five times to hire workers, God gives livelihood to those who need it....

Guests at the Kingly Wedding Feast

Agree and Disagree in the Church

Jesus is in our midst as we gather together in his name.  It is due to him that we agree with one other and with our Father in heaven. It is enough that two agree, that two or three gather....  So, in the first place, we do not need a megachurch.  Nor is it needed, in...

Guests at the Kingly Wedding Feast

Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven

Jesus has the key to the kingdom.  He is God’s Servant who comes to serve, to open and close.  He gives to those who are his own the keys of service. It looks like Peter knows quite well what people say about Jesus.  But he does not go where they are, for he says that...

Guests at the Kingly Wedding Feast

Alone, Without Jesus We Do Sink

Jesus does not leave us alone especially in tough times.  He stretches out his hand and catches us, so that we may not sink. The disciples go ahead by themselves in a boat.  Meanwhile, Jesus dismisses the crowds.  He, then, goes up on the mountain by himself to pray. ...