John Freund, CM


John Freund is a Vincentian priest with a passion for promoting collaboration among the many people inspired by Saints Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac and who welcomes your engagement. Share your ideas and experiences!

Vulnerabilities of young homeless people

Lack of age-appropriate emergency shelter leaving vulnerable young homeless people at risk says DePaul UK. Responding to Homeless Link's latest report, "Young and Homeless 2013", which revealed a lack of youth-specific emergency accommodation, Martin Houghton-Brown,...

Pope’s visit to group occupying church

Pope’s visit to group occupying church

The Huffington Post tells the story of the impact of the Pope's visit to Tor Sapienza,  one of the Rome's roughest neighborhoods. Fifteen Italian families live in the deconsecrated church where the parish was previously located -- they occupied the building in October...

Search and Serve, Come and See…

Search and Serve, Come and See…

"Search and Serve", "Come and See",  "Nun Run, "Sunday with Sisters", and even an "Online Lenten Retreat" - Take your pick of these events being held around the country. each of them offers an opportunity to explore the possibilities of religious life with the...

Sex Industry – prayer for all affected

Sex Industry – prayer for all affected

An International, annual novena for those in and affected by the sex industry. Nine days of private or public prayer for a specific intention. Day 1 (17th of March): For porn stars. Heavenly Father, we offer you our brothers and sister acting in the porn industry....

Animated guide to American football

Animated guide to American football writes... "If the most important parts to your Super Bowl festivities include the half-time show, commercials and finger foods, you may want a little football refresher so you can enjoy the game to the fullest extent. Luckily, we now have an all-inclusive...