Vincentian Youth and Young adults update us on the National Assembly held in St. Louis, MO.
.famvin TEAM
On Practice of the Vincentian Virtues • A Weekly Reflection with Vincent
"We should follow, as far as possible, all the gospel teaching already mentioned, since it is so holy and very practical. But some of it, in fact, has more application to us, particularly when it emphasizes simplicity, humility, gentleness, mortification, and zeal for...
Where Do You Fit In Now?
How do you further conversations with people who have different starting points and live in other categories than your own?
Family Success Center welcomes new Program Manager
The kids have a nickname for Kendra Hayes, the new Program Manager at St. Vincent de Paul Louisville’s Family Success Center (FSC).
Open Hand Kitchen celebrates 40 years of service
Juju may not know where he’s going to sleep at night, but rest assured he knows where his next meal will come from.
17th National Meeting of the Vincentian Family of Portugal
The Vincentian Family of Portugal gathered at the Sanctuary of Fátima for their annual pilgrimage, under the motto “Wherever I am, that’s where God wants me to be!”
International Formation Center in Paris (CIF): Programs for the Vincentian Family Movement, 2024
As in previous years, I am writing to provide you with information about the various CIF programs that will be offered next year.
National Assembly 2023 of Vincentian Marian Youth in the Philippines
The National Council of theVincentian Marian Youth (CoM-VMY) Philippines recently held its National Assembly last July 13-15, 2023 at the Betania Retreat House, Nivel Hills, Cebu City.
We work… for the Love of God • A Weekly Reflection with Vincent
"God’s commandment to love Him with your whole heart, with your whole soul, with your whole mind, etc., doesn’t mean that He wants the heart and soul always to have a tangible experience of this love. That’s a grace His Goodness imparts to whomsoever He pleases. But...
Daughters of Charity Raise their Voices for Critical Nutrition Programs
While many in the U.S. think of August as the last breath of summer, a time to squeeze in a last bit of relaxation before the rush of the fall begins, the Daughters of Charity were doing anything but relaxing this past August.