A weekly reflection for all the Vincentian Family, from Australia.
.famvin TEAM
Finding Jesus in the Margins: A Vincentian’s Experience Through the Homeless Count
At The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Los Angeles, we often receive heartfelt testimonials from our members, known as Vincentians, who are deeply committed to serving those in need. Today, we’re honored to share a moving account from Lynn McCormick, a fellow...
“Letter of St. Vincent de Paul” to the Vincentian Family, on the Occasion of the Second Convocation in Rome, November 14-17 #famvin2024
Can you imagine what St. Vincent de Paul would say to us if he were to write a letter to his followers today? This article is just a literary exercise, but perhaps it could be something like this.
The Rosalie Projects: Crying children
Thanks to the ‘Crying Children’ project in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, a widowed woman and her 5 children have regained a decent life and a taste for life.
AUSCP Annual Meeting 2024
The Association of U.S. Catholic Priests had its annual gathering June 24-27 in Lexington, Kentucky.
Response in Kerala Continues as Sisters Reach Out to Displaced Migrants
Joicy Joy, SCN, shares the following update on the landslide tragedy in Wayanad
The Essence of Vincentian Collaboration: A Legacy of Unity and Service #famvin2024
Vincentian Collaboration is a fundamental dimension of the Vincentian Family, rooted deeply in the history and mission of its founders, St. Vincent de Paul and St. Louise de Marillac.
Contemplation: Whose Coat Is It Anyway?
This post originally appeared on ssvpusa.org Catholic Social Doctrine teaches us the principle of the universal destination of goods, under which we recognize that all things come from God, and are meant for all of His beloved. Nowhere should the demands of this...
Colorado Vincentian Volunteers: A Commitment to Service, Community, and Spirituality #famvin2024
The Colorado Vincentian Volunteers (CVV) is an organization founded in 1994 and rooted in the spirit of St. Vincent de Paul, dedicated to engaging young adults in transformative experiences of service, spirituality, and community living.
Life Without Limit: Blessed Frederic Ozanam and Mother Seton
Elizabeth Ann Seton and Frederic Ozanam grounded their lives in the true freedom of Christ, who took what appeared on the outside to be lives of tragic brevity, and brought forth from them great works of charity that continue to flourish today.