Vincentian Women

A Vincentian Minute: Vincentian Women 01

Fr. Rooney starts a new series called “Vincentian Women.” This week: Louise de Marillac.

August 14: International Women’s Day in the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul

This is the third year that the International Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP) celebrates Women’s Day, on the 200th anniversary of the birthday of Amélie Ozanam (wife of founder Frederic Ozanam).

Vincentian Prayer Images: St. Vincent on the Role of Women

St. Vincent de Paul 1658 “do we not have an obligation to give women their rightful place in the Church?”

Adaptation – The Genius of Vincent in Recognizing Lay Women

Over time these confraternities became the principal means through which de Paul engaged with devout Catholic women, who were excluded by their sex from expressing their faith through the functions of ordained ministry but aspired to find alternative means of doing so.