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Vincentian Family Saints

St. Louise’s Trinitarian Faith

In this presentation, see how St. Louise’s faith introduced her to each one of the Divine Persons.

The Bible Was St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s Close Companion

Through the research of Sister Joan E. Cook, SC we can acknowledge and better appreciate St. Elizabeth Seton’s great devotion to the Bible.

Seton Shrine Celebrates the 200th Anniversary of Mother Seton

The Seton Shrine in Emmitsburg, Maryland is celebrating the 200th Anniversary of Mother Seton’s death with a special website and other initiatives.

Five Themes in the Life of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

The author, Maryanna Coyle, S.C., identifies five qualities of Elizabeth’s formation and shows how they influenced her life and thought.

May 23: Feast of St. Joan Antida Thouret

May 23: Feast of St. Joan Antida Thouret

At 22, Joan Antida Thouret left her home and joined the Daughters of Charity. This life is an exile– a desert we must cross to reach our only true homeland which is heaven. – Saint Joan Antida Thouret In 1793, when the French Revolution...

Feast of St. Francis Regis Clet

Feast of St. Francis Regis Clet

Imagine being in your early 40s, in a comfortable enough job as director of novices at a seminary in Paris, and leaving everything behind to volunteer to go to China on mission. This was the decision of Father (Saint) Francis Regis Clet, C.M., whose feast day is next...