Vincentian Family Homeless Alliance

Vincentians & Laudato Si’ – The Famvin Homeless Alliance and Laudato Si’ (II)

The following is Part 2 of a reflection on our Pope’s words and a consideration of how Laudato Si’ both informs and affirms the work of the Famvin Homeless Alliance.

The context to Laudato Si’ – The Famvin Homeless Alliance and Laudato Si’ (I)

The following is a reflection on our Pope’s words and a consideration of how Laudato Si’ both informs and affirms the work of the Famvin Homeless Alliance. Part 1

Diaries of a Vincentian: Our return from Kenya to Germany

At the end of March this year we were told, all of a sudden, that we – Sr. Lucia, Sr. Dorothea, Sr. Zeituni and I – had to leave Kenya as soon as possible.

Slum Dwelling: Annual Theme 2020

Over the past two years, the Vincentian Family’s annual theme has focused on forced displacement and street homelessness. For 2020, we are focusing on slum dwellers.