Vincentian Confraternities

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A National Association of Vincentian Lawyers already exists in Peru. And others are springing up in other Latin American countries. Many hope to form an International Association of Vincentian Lawyers.

Confraternity of Vincentian Teachers in Latin America

As explained on the FAMVIN website: “The Vincentian Family is composed of many groups of Christians who, following in the footsteps of Saint Vincent de Paul, want to continue the mission of Christ by announcing the Good News of God’s love to the poor … and they do...

Sixth Meeting of the Confraternity of Christian Educators in Latin America

Update on the Confraternity of Vincentian Educators in Latin America meeting, which was held (via zoom)

Vincentian Confraternities: An Opportunity to Transform the World

The members of these confraternities share their experiences and their joy in being able to serve Jesus in the person of the most impoverished.