Confraternity of Former Students: "Vincentians Without Borders"

Julio Castellanos & Edith Palma Flores
August 31, 2020

Confraternity of Former Students: “Vincentians Without Borders”

by | Aug 31, 2020 | News

On August 7th, gathered under the same spirit of the Vincentian Family, we, the former students of Vincentian educational institutions, “Vincentians Without Borders” met for the second time.  We hope to bring together our talents and our willingness to serve those men and women who are in need. These virtual meetings provide us with a space for spiritual, social, cultural feedback, material support and a mutual exchange of ideas. We also hope to transform the present reality and “infect” others with the Vincentian charism.

This sharing was facilitated by Angela Medina (Dominican Republic, coordinator of the Confraternity of Former Students). She was accompanied by Fr. Flavio Pereira Tercero, CM, (International Vincentian Family Office in Philadelphia, USA). Collaborators included:  Ligia Ferráez de México (Coordinator of FAVILA), Julio Castellanos, (Guatemala, International Councilor of the Association of the Miraculous Medal), Edith Palma Flores, (Nicaragua, former student at the Centro Escolar La Recolección), Isabel Polío (El Salvador, Vincentian Marian Youth), Giselle Matos (former student at the Centro Educativo Santa Luisa de Marillac and Juan Antonio Toribio (Dominican Republic, former student at Colegio San Vicente de Paúl).

Courage, life without sharing is less interesting than when we act together as a family!

As former students of a Vincentian educational institution, you can be part of this great confraternity of the Vincentian Family!

Send a picture of yourself as a student and a present photo of yourself …

We join together our talents and our willingness to serve … let us transform the present reality!

Join together with us on the first Friday of every month!

Our next meeting is Friday, September 4th!

Time of the meeting 6:00pm (Central American time) and 8:00pm (Dominican Republic time)

Download Zoom on your phone or ipad and your will receive the meeting ID and the password

Contact us at:

Julio Castellanos and  Edith Palma Flores


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