St. John’s University

Commission on the Status of Women 62

“Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and building good governance.” Kofi Annan. Monday the 12th of March 2018, marks the beginning of the sixty-second...

Ozanam Scholar Serves in Ghana

Recently I had the amazing opportunity to go to Accra, Ghana for two weeks with Ozanam Scholars Program at St. John’s University. The program focus is for students to seek systemic solutions on social justice issues that are within the five pillars of homelessness,...

Student-Mobility Outcomes at St. John’s Receive Top National Recognition 

The University is the #1 Catholic institution in the nation on the list of "Colleges with the Highest Student-Mobility Rates," according to The Chronicle of Higher Education. In a recent national ranking that encapsulates the founding and enduring mission of St....

Escaping Adversity, Student Finds a “Second Home”

Though Mary Tarawally’s graduation from St. John’s University is months away, she has already compiled a résumé of success stretching from the Staten Island campus to the United Nations. “St. John’s mission struck a chord from the start,” said the student leader and...