Pope Francis

Living Into Collaboration – A Vincentian Laudato Si’ Point of View, Part 1

My reflections come from many years of working in collaboration but as I write this it is with two non-Vincentian groups, with whom we Sisters of Charity of New York currently collaborate that are uppermost in my mind. Part 1

The Pay It Forward Plan for Peace

Jesus’ mission was all abou teaching us to pay it forward. After all, God has first loved us and wants us to share that gift in our lives! Isn’t this what Jesus did? And it changed and is changing the world!

What Size is Your Dream?

Let us not settle only for what is necessary. The Lord does not want us to narrow our horizons or to remain parked on the roadside of life. He wants us to race boldly and joyfully towards lofty goals.

Laudato Si’s Big Questions

Laudato Si describes the integral relationship the many crises facing our world share.