Louise de Marillac

Louise de Marillac: Street Children

“In the name of God, my Most Reverend Father, consider whether we should persuade these Ladies not to accept new foundlings so that we can pay our debts and bring back the weaned children from the country. I assure you that, in conscience, we can no longer stifle the...

Louise de Marillac: Decent and Stable Work for All

“Since one of the greatest assets of this project is the work which it provides, it is necessary to assign tasks which are useful and productive. An acceptable one would be that of clothmaker. Apart from being productive —the cloth could be used in the House and in...

Louise de Marillac: Virgin Mary Cares of this World

“I gaze upon you today, most pure Virgin Mother of Grace, since it was you who not only provided the matter for the formation of the sacred body of your Son, at a time when you were not as yet actually a mother, but by bringing Him into the world, you have become both...

Louise de Marillac: Some, with Their Income, can Barely Mantain a small Family

“Monsieur, I am taking the liberty of writing to you to let you know how things are going in the matter concerning my son. I would like to say that the whole thing is a great affliction for me, but as a Christian I must embrace the scorn which normally accompanies...

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