
May 9: Feast of St. Louise de Marillac

As St. Louise’s feast day approaches, we would like to highlight a series of three videos in which Sr. Louise Sullivan, DC talks with Sr. Elisabeth Charpy, DC about St. Louise’s life and works.

Icon of the Charism: Divided by History, United by Charity

It has been 400 years since the days of Folleville and Châtillon. That long period has not weakened the Vincentian charism like the oak at the Berceau. It is as alive as a spring high in the mountains. The Polish artist, Mariola Zajączkowska-Bicho, on a sketch by...

Celebration of the 400 Anniversary of the Vincentian Charism in Carga – MG (Brazil)

This year, the Vincentian Family celebrates the 400th anniversary of the charism of its founder, Saint Vincent de Paul, a charism that currently is lived and celebrated by more than 225 branches around the world. Each of these branches, from their realities, live this...

Virtual Meeting of the Vincentian Family in Central America with Fr. Tomaz Mavric, Superior General

At 10:00 am on March 26, 2017, began the eleventh virtual meeting with the National Presidents of the Vincentian Family of Central America. In this meeting, which occurred via "Go To Meeting," Fr. Tomaz Mavric, Superior General was present. Other participants were:...

#famvin400 Who am I?

A Vincentian wants to know the answer to the question, "Who am I?" Too often, we only answer the question, "What have I done?" Part of preparing for the coming 400th anniversary year is coming to know ourselves in God's eyes. Are we willing to look deeply? Listen to...

A stranger is a friend who I have yet to meet

A stranger is a friend who I have yet to meet

My brothers and sisters of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society, it is with great pleasure that I have this opportunity to address you today on a special theme that we, as a Vincentian Family, hope to promote throughout the year 2017. As you all well know, we are celebrating, as of January 2017, the inspirational birth of the charism of the Vincentian Family.

The Charity of Christ #famvin400

The Charity of Christ #famvin400

The charity of Christ urges me. A while ago, I wrote an editorial on women and the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the charism. After reading this article on .famvin about the role of women in the enfleshment of the charism of Charity some 400 years ago, two...