Twitter as Your Organizer

Twitter as Your Organizer

If you really want to make the most of Twitter, you should treat it like a typical newspaper: Each subject matter should be split up into a different section. While Twitter has offered the ability to curate Lists around specific topics for a long time, they have...
Keys to Online Meetings

Keys to Online Meetings

There have been years of research dedicated to the preparation and execution of successful meetings. But how often have we heard the words, “boring!” or “useless” when evaluating the seemingly endless meetings we are invited/compelled to...
Searching for the Truth in Love

Searching for the Truth in Love

Facilitating personal relationships At Psychology Today, Pamela Rutledge writes Humans are social animals. The need to connect is a primal drive. Even our most basic needs, such as food and safety, have always been accomplished by humans as a group. We weren’t...
Mobile or Desktop?

Mobile or Desktop?

As we work at .famvin to provide a platform of news and formation that is useful to the Vincentian family, we’re constantly asking questions like, “Do they use mobile (phone, tablet) or their desktop (or laptop) as their primary device?” Certainly,...