At the Door of Mercy #IamVincent

At the Door of Mercy #IamVincent

Church of Saint Laurent (Paris), May 7, 2016. A poor man sleeps at the gates of St. Lawrence church, in Paris. It’s 9 am, several hours have passed since the city has already begun its busy day. In the photo, a dirty and tatty temple with rehabilitation...
Mary in our Midst

Mary in our Midst

In college, I had one course in Art Appreciation.  Since my own background for understanding art left much to be desired, this course proved valuable.  One remark remains with me:  Once an artist finishes a work, he has lost control over it; now it belongs to the...
Troubled unto a troubling death

Troubled unto a troubling death

Human misery leaves Jesus troubled, and he seeks that other people’s miseries leave us likewise troubled. The disciples and a large crowd accompany Jesus to Nain.  A large crowd from Nain is with a widow at her only son’s funeral procession.  The stage is set for a...
Invisible Threads

Invisible Threads

Invisible threads weave the rich tapestry of SSVP. Different people from different places are connected by invisible threads in a world-wide network of charity. Click the video below and enjoy a short animated film produced by the international General Council of SVP,...