Peace and Reconciliation at All Costs

Peace and Reconciliation at All Costs

Christ is our peace.  He breaks down, through his flesh, the wall of hatred that separates us from one another. Justice and peace are what the commandment, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,” seeks.  It forbids vengeance like that of Lamech, who boasts, “I...
Coming Soon: A New Formation Series

Coming Soon: A New Formation Series

We will begin a new eight-part formation series this Saturday based on The Prophetic Dimension of the Vincentian Charism in light of the Social Doctrine of the Church by Daughter of Charity María Pilar López. Watch for it!
Raise Young Vincentians

Raise Young Vincentians

Whenever we attend any Vincentian Family Gatherings, Matt and I always introduce our children (who are ages 3 and 1) as the littlest Vincentians of the Family. While we constantly have the “raise little Vincentians” voice in the backs of our heads, I wonder, do all...