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Vincentian Family at the U.N.

Sustainable Development Goal 15: Life On Land

Learning about the SDGs and understanding their significance is an important first step as together, creatively, we search for the most effective ways to advocate for these aspects of social justice.

What’s in a Name?

Let us celebrate the name change in the best possible way: by becoming real stewards of creation, and by consciously praying that name. 

Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water

Learning about the SDGs and understanding their significance is an important first step as together, creatively, we search for the most effective ways to advocate for these aspects of social justice.

Poverty Eradication an Elusive Goal, a Human Tragedy

Global extreme poverty (<$1.90 USD per day) rose in 2020 adding an additional 119 million.  By 2021 that number is expected to rise to 143 million.