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Vincentian Family

Meeting of the Vincentian Family in Guatemala

Guatemala, as in previous years, has celebrated at the national level the feast of our Patron Saint, Vincent de Paul. Approximately 110 people participated in this meeting, in the Primary Room of the Central House of the Daughters of Charity. The branches present...

What I Learned From a Funeral Homily

When God has other ideas do we follow them?

The Vincentian Family at the UN 2018

In September 2017 the Vincentian Family at the UN gathered at St. John’s for our first annual planning meeting.  With our Vincentian love as a basis, while respecting the wishes of the leadership of our individual organizations, we spent a long day working...

Meeting of the Vincentian Family of Costa Rica

With great joy and enthusiasm, on Sunday, September 16, the Vincentian Family of Costa Rica met since eight o'clock in the morning at the Seminary School, as we do year after year, to celebrate the feast of our Holy Founder St. Vincent de Paul. With the presence of...