Systemic change

Be Attentive to the Security Needs of Those Who are Poor

Fidelity to our mission means that we are attentive to the needs of those who are poor … attentive to the needs related to their security (attentive to the dangers and privations that they encounter on a daily basis).

Systemic Change: India Workshops

The Vincentian Family in India celebrated its 11th annual meeting of the major superiors of the Family on March 11 and 12 at the Niveditha Center for Faith and Fellowship in Kerala. The first day was dedicated to...

Ministry Planning and Beating Dead Horses

The tribal wisdom of the Dakota Indians—passed on from generation to generation—says that when you discover that you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount. But moderns think they have better strategies.

Bishop Urges Vincentians to Adopt Systemic Change

Bishop urges adoption of systemic change approach and for formation to support its use.

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