Systemic change

“Charism Formation” vs. Empowerment Programs

Fr. Dennis Holtschneider maintains the answer is not informational charism programs but empowerment of the laity.

Ladies of Charity – Primer on Advocacy

The Ladies of Charity present 8 quick answers to "What is advocacy?" Advocacy (n) The act of pleading or arguing in favor of something, such as a cause, idea, or policy; active support. From the Latin: ad = to; and voc = voice: To add voice. Advocacy.

Vincent de Paul Society Working Toward Long-Term Solutions

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is inaugurating a new neighborhood-based initiative to find long-term solutions to the challenges of being poor.

“What is Your Church Doing Now for Those Who Are Poor?”

“What is your Church doing now for those who are poor?” Frederic Ozanam and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul have been answering that question for almost 200 years. But it is a question for everyone … especially today!

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