Systemic change

One Big Idea Could Change Everything

One big idea could change everything. The Innovation Mission initiative of the Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland in collaboration with Cleveland Leadership Center is looking for big ideas that could change systems. The initiative is rooted in the belief...

Be The Change You Want!

Real change starts with recognizing that we are part of the systems we seek to change. The fear and distrust we seek to remedy also exist within us—as do the anger, sorrow, doubt, and frustration. Our actions will not become more effective until we shift the nature of the awareness and thinking behind the actions.

Advocacy and Systemic Change

“Speaking truth to power….Making our voices heard---"     Advocacy: the process of supporting a cause or proposal, pleading or arguing in favor of an idea or policy.  Advocacy is active, not passive, and can take many forms.  But for Vincentians it means taking the...

SVDP Australia Promoting A Culture of Welcoming

… the Strategic Plan of the Society of St. Vincent DePaul in Australia is permeated with the spirit of welcoming.

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